Swimming with a very interactive pod of wild Atlantic Offshore Spotted Dolphins in the Bahamas.

Daniel’s devotion to the Dolphins inspired his commitment to showing the world that we share this planet with a truly sentient species, who, history has shown us, has been actively reaching out to us, in the wild, to intelligently interact in all sorts of ways. He takes people out to swim with friendly free-roaming Dolphins in the wild ocean, to give people an intimate experience with them, in their own environment, on their own terms. The extraordinary experience of being greeted by these Dolphins in their own habitat is so exhilirating & uplifting that many people consider it a `Spiritual’ experience, that seems to change their lives in profound ways.

The ancient Greeks were quite aware of the law of Synergy, the law of increased energy through partnership. They observed that the Life Force responds to what they called AGAPE, Brotherly, Sisterly Love. The Greek word SYNERGOS means WORKiNG TOGETHER. Buckminster Fuller defines SYNERGY as SYNTHESiS PLUS ENERGY. According to Webster, SYNERGiSM is an ancient theological doctrine holding that in regeneration there is cooperation of Divine Grace & Human activity. In the Bible in Mathew 18:20 “For where 2 or more gather in my name, there am I.”

When we choose to align with each other with a pure intention for good, whether in Meditation or simply in a natural Love, or whether with a partner or in a group, there is tremendous Synergy that flows & radiates from within & showers from without, where Synchronicity abounds, energising us into an optimum state of joy throughout the spectrum of our Physical, Emotional, Mental & Spiritual Being, bringing us into a unified field not only amongst ourselves but with all of Life. Radiant Love & Pure Bliss.

The Dolphins appear to be in such a state & are clearly most attracted to a group of Humans that are in a high level of group syntony, or harmony. Being highly sensitive at a distance to the collective field of the human group, on the boat, they become a wonderful mirror to our state, while stimulating in us a tremendous awakening of our inherently natural state of Joy & Love, becoming Loving & joyful partners in a dance we can never forget, as we align with our higher, collective, unified field, often embracing the oneness of all life.